2 out of 10
8 out of 10
9 out of 10
25 minutes
At the school
Open file
"What is one thing that has surprised you about dancing (or any other activity you are passionate about)?" Report Response | I was asked this question too
"Describe one particularly difficult day you had at school." Report Response | I was asked this question too
"What are the best aspects of your undergrad institution?" Report Response | I was asked this question too
"Pretty basic q's about mainly activities..but here's one: What was the most difficult day you have had in school?" Report Response | I was asked this question too
"Name one person who has really influenced you and told you something about yourself that you didn't know (the 2nd part of the q. stumped me but that's just me..it should be pretty easy for most ppl)" Report Response | I was asked this question too
"SDN, BCM website, personal statement, I would look over the AMCAS application..they give you a copy to give to your interviewers and that's what a lot of my q.s were based on" Report Response
"I LOVE LOVE LOVED IT...the best were the students..the curriculum..the board scores, and the clinical exposure and even though they know they are good i thought they presented their school in a really positive light without sounding obnoxious at all!" Report Response
"ummm...the tour was okay..but that may just be because I've seen a lot since I went on the UTH tour which I thought was more extensive and detailed" Report Response
"nothing was a real big surprise..everything was standard and meant to just make us comfortable and inform us in the right way...what a great way to attract people to your school! p.s. I would come extra early or get a really good map of the TMC so as to not get lost which I did!" Report Response
"I had an absolutely wonderful experience..this was my #1 choice and the interview just confirmed it..everyhting from the presentations, students, interviews, tours were really laidback and aimed at informing and getting to know each other rather than grilling or boring! I went in to this interview with less prep than I had gone in to with any other interview and didn't think I performed any less if not better! Just one note: send in your official transcripts to BCM if you are interviewing!!! I did not know this and it's quite imp.!!!" Report Response
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