Pulmonologists, or chest physicians as they are sometimes called, diagnose and treat diseases of the respiratory system. A critical care physician diagnoses, treats and supports patients with multiple organ dysfunction. This specialist may have administrative responsibilities for intensive care units and may also facilitate and coordinate patient care among the primary physician, the critical care staff, and other specialists.
Training in critical care is integrated into most three year pulmonary medicine fellowship programs.
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The American College of Chest Physicians
As the global leader in providing education in cardiopulmonary, critical care, and sleep medicine, the ACCP will promote diversity to optimize health, advance patient care, and support research while fostering health equity....
The American Thoracic Society
The roots of the American Thoracic Society reach back to 1905, when a small group of physicians decided that the best way to improve care for tuberculosis patients was to share their experiences and discoveries. Today, the ATS has grown into an international society with more than 15,000 members. ...
Society of Critical Care Medicine
The Society of Critical Care Medicine (SCCM) is the largest multiprofessional organization dedicated to ensuring excellence and consistency in the practice of critical care....
SDN Critical Care Forum
Discuss Critical Care with your peers on the Student Doctor Network community forums....
In How to Choose A Medical Specialty, you'll find helpful information straight from specialists from typical daily schedules to advice for interested students... MORE >