Last Updated on June 26, 2022 by Laura Turner
Since the medical field is full of a wide variety of job opportunities, it is essential to avoid having a resume that is too broad or general. When creating a resume for the medical field, it is critical to tailor your resume to highlight how you are qualified for that specific job. Potential employers can spot a generic resume a mile away. When they only take less than five minutes to decide as to move a candidate forward or not, taking the time to provide job-specific qualifications on a resume is important.
The elements of any resume are important, and providing a chronological order of education and experience that pertains to the job being applied for is what potential employers appreciate most in a job resume. The more specific the resume is to the job being presented, the more likely it is that the candidate applying for the position will get a job interview.
You should outline clear job objectives. Contact information should be easy to read, and one or two font sizes larger than the rest of the resume. A summary should explain why you are an excellent candidate for the position being offered. Whether it is education or experience, you should place the most important information right at the top to be prominent to an employer.
Your medical resume should be free of errors. 93% of the companies surveyed stated that errors in a medical resume would hurt whether an employee is interviewed for a job or not. 90% of businesses surveyed generally find errors in batches of resumes received for a position, so having an error-free resume is a significant way to stand out when applying for an important job.
When answering an ad for a medical position, following the ad carefully will help job searchers get the interview they are hoping for. If the potential employer asks for a cover letter, it is critical to getting the job interview to include such a letter. Out of the companies surveyed, 22% felt that it was an error on the part of the job applicant to skip including a cover letter when sending in a resume. In a competitive job market, getting the application done correctly is the first step to getting in the door for a job interview.
The medical field is full of a wide variety of job opportunities, and finding the right position can take time, patience, and a little bit of luck. Taking the time to create the perfect resume will increase your chances of getting the first interview for a job that you are qualified for. If you wouldn’t cut any corners doing the actual job, don’t cut any when putting together a resume!
Take a look at the following infographic developed by Carrington College for more helpful tips to improve your medical resume.